Waste Incineration

Waste Incineration

Energy from Waste (WtE): Sustainable, Efficient, Future-Oriented

Waste is far more than something to be discarded - it’s a valuable resource. This perspective is shared by our partners who trust in our advanced control technology. Waste-to-energy (WtE) plants transform refuse into clean energy and heat, combining innovative processes with environmental responsibility. Beyond power generation, these facilities play a vital role in reducing landfill dependency, lowering greenhouse gas emissions, and recovering essential materials. With modern heat recovery systems and advanced emissions control, they offer a sustainable solution that strengthens local energy supplies and supports global climate protection efforts. Energy from waste is not just a pillar of sustainable waste management - it’s a pathway to the energy systems of the future. WtE plants equipped with high-performance control valves and automation technologies operate with maximum efficiency and dependability. As a trusted partner to the WtE industry, HORA delivers tailored solutions to elevate the performance of your plant, ensuring it meets the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Efficient Control for Waste-to-Energy Systems

We specialize in designing technology that ensures precise control and reliable performance in waste incineration. Our focus on durability and quality maximizes efficiency and sustainability.

References from the Waste Incineration Sector

With a focus on efficiency and durability, our control technology has been successful in waste management applications.


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